Our Story
Hui Makaʻāinana o Makana (Hui) is a community-based organization formed in 1998 by lineal descendants of Hāʻena.
Our mission is dedicated to perpetuating and teaching the skills, knowledge, and practices of our kūpuna (ancestors) through the interpretation, restoration, care and protection of the natural and cultural resources that are located within the Hāʻena State Park.
Through this, we have a curatorship agreement with State Parks to restore and maintain about 15 acres which include:
Loʻi Restoration
Poi Mill Restoration
Maintenance of family historical grave sites
Maintenance of 2 historical house sites
Assisting with the Hāʻena State Master Plan
Hā'ena Timeline
1848 - Land Privatization in Hawai’i, known as the Mahele, and the Kuleana Act in 1850, result in drastic change and loss of ancestral lands for many Native Hawaiians
1855- Abnor Paki gifted Hāʻena to Pauahi
1866 – Pauahi conveyed it to W.H Pease
1872- Pease estate conveyed it to W. Kinney
1875 – Hāʻena is sold by William Kinney to the Hui Kuʻai o Hāʻena, a group of 38 Natives Hawaiian families from Hāʻena.
1950’s- Still a serene country spot, cows and horses roam around freely
1960’s- A large area is condemned by the State, forcing families out and severing their traditional relationships to the land that had once nourished them for over 1,500 years.
1998- Hui Makaʻāinana o Makana was formed as a 501c(3) to restore the traditional practices and protect the resources within Ha’ena State Park
1999- A Curatorship Agreement with the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (State Parks) was formed which allowed the Hui to preserve and protect the ancient archaeological and agricultural sites of Ha’ena (two historical home sites, ancient graves, loi, poi mill)
2012- Informal creation of Hāʻena ʻAhupuaʻa Alliance with DLNR, Limahuli Botanical Gardens (NTBG), and Hui Makaʻāinana (An attempt to look at the ahupuaʻa as a whole)
2012- Act 241 creation of Hāʻena Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area (Mauka to Makai)
2015 – Hāʻena was designated as the first Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area, signed into law by Governor David Ige.